It takes a long-time
Buick owner to really
appreciate what tremendously advacnced cars the 1955 Buicks are.
For when you compare
these spanking-new beuties
with the finest Buicks that could be built two, three, four and five
years ago - yo find an almost incredible difference.
The new Variable pitch
Dynaflow* of 1955 is one
example. In immediate response and in gas-saving mileage, it is as far
advanced over earlier Dynaflows as the first Dynaflow was advanced over
manual transmissions.
Power is another example.
The great strides made
in the Buick engines of the past years result in the spectacular
horsepower boost you get in all 1955 Buicks. And you get as much as 4.8
more miles per gallon in these new Buicks than in Buicks of six years
There are many other
differences that pinpoint
this constant Buick progress.